UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE is based upon the scholarly work of Stephen C. Meyer, Michael Behe, William Dembski and others.  This documentary film presents a powerful theory of intelligent design.  The scientific case for intelligent design is based upon recent discoveries in biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology, highlighted by computer animation that depicts the inner-workings of the living cell.

The question, “Does God exist?” is naturally one of the primary questions we as humans can ask. It is fundamental to our view of life and society. Were we created by an intelligent God, or are we the product of purely natural processes. In this 40-minute video, Kyle Butt presents arguments from reason, science, and moral nature for the existence of God.

What is the theory of evolution?  Can the Bible’s creation account and evolution be in harmony?  Why does it matter to Christians?  Join Jeff Miller as he takes a balanced approach to answer these and other questions about Christianity and evolution.